Speaker KP Assembly Mushtaq Ahmed Ghani has said that cleaver enemy India on the issue of Kashmir is bent upon to drag the entire area into war and we give clear warning to India that we are ready for any kind of aggression and reminded the year 2020 is year of independence of Kashmir. This he said while addressing a Seminar organized at Ayub Medical College arranged by the district administration to show solidarity with Kashmiri people on the eve of 5th Jan, the day of passing of resolution by the UNO for the self-determination.
Mushtaq Ahmed Ghani said that on the Kashmir issue, entire nation is standing behind like solid roc k with Pak Army and with full support and demands the implementation of UN resolution in full spirit.
KPK Speaker said that this is worst time for world to come forward and play their role to force India to stop their brutality in the held Kashmir and also to rise the voice against the new legislation done by the Modi which is against the all norms of international charter and is trying to crush the largest minority in the India.
Mushtaq Ghani Speaker KP assembly said the international community should know the sensitivity of the matter and it is the need of the hour that Kashmiri people were given their rights promised in the light of UN resolutions. UN should cancel the membership of India for not holding plebiscite in Kashmir.
Commissioner Hazara Zaheer Ul Islam reiterated the unwavering political, moral and diplomatic support of the people and Government of Pakistan to the just struggle of Kashmiri people to safeguard their fundamental rights including their right to self-determination
Speakers said that Delhi is using rape, pellet guns, and mass burials to suppress ingenious freedom struggle of the people of Kashmir against India occupation. Speakers enunciated and demanded of the United Nations to live up with its promise and resolve the Kashmir dispute as per aspirations of the people of Kashmir. The speakers expressed concerns over the siege of 8million Kashmiri’s since Aug 5, 2019
Seminar was largely attended by the people from different walk of life including NGO’s, official of trade unions, staff and Students of the Ayub Medical and other educational institutions.
Prominent speakers included Zaheer ul Islam (Commissioner Hazara)DEO Qazi Tajamal,MD Modernage School Wahid Siraj, Haji Ayaz Khan, President Ahlle e Sunnat wal Jamat, Kiran Tanoli Advocate, Samsam Qureshi.