Pakistan Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chuhdhary said during weekly Press Briefing to Media on Thursday that the current Indian Government’s irresponsible behavior is very well known to the world.
This RSS inspired BJP Government has a history of using “Pakistan Card” to score political points and to shift focus from its profound failures of governance, faltering economy, state sponsorship of terrorism and violation of minority rights.
Pakistan has been consistently sensitizing the international community regarding the possibility of India resorting to a false flag operation and we take this opportunity to forewarn the world yet again.
Our forces remain vigilant and are ready to respond to any misadventure by India.
Coming to the question about EU DisinfoLab, I have already spoken about that in my opening statement in detail. Let me reiterate that this is a very serious issue, because a state is abusing the cyberspace and media domain for its vile propaganda, which is directed against another member of the international community.
Pakistan has already put forth irrefutable evidence, extensively documenting India’s active planning, promoting, aiding, abetting, financing and executing terrorist activities in Pakistan.
Publication of the recent report by EU DisinfoLab only substantiates Pakistan’s position in front of the International community.
Pakistan will continue exposing India at every possible platform.
Zahid Hafeez Chuhdhary said about the situation of minorities in India, India’s human rights credentials stand fully exposed before the International community. India’s credibility has sunk to sub zero levels. I recently saw a statement by an Indian Union Minister, in which he accused Pakistan and China for the ongoing protest by farmers for their just demands. Such laughable assertions made by the Indian leadership give further credence to the fact that India has lost all its credibility.
The Gujarat massacre, Samjhauta Express, Delhi pogrom, demolition of the historical Babri Mosque and anti-minority legislations are glaring examples of systematic campaign against minorities in India. The desecration and vandalization of places of worship of minorities is reprehensible. These instances have been extensively documented in the Indian and international media.
Such Indian actions are manifestation of the mindset of Hindu supremacist RSS-BJP regime, which takes pride in degrading and humiliating minorities, particularly Muslims in India, and relegating them to second-class citizens.
Pakistan calls upon the International community to take note of such steps by the RSS-BJP regime, which are fuelled by its hatred of the minority communities.
Spokesperson said about arrest of terrorists from Lahore, the matter is being investigated. Unlike India, which immediately blames Pakistan for any such incident without any evidence, Pakistan has always adopted a responsible approach.
Our law enforcement and investigation agencies carry out an objective investigation before making any public announcements. This is the reason that the Dossier presented by Pakistan, providing irrefutable evidence of India’s state sponsorship of terrorism, is being looked into seriously by the world community.
FO Spokesperson said about Russian Sputnik Vaccine. The Government of Pakistan remains committed to timely procurement of the COVID-19 vaccine. The two important factors for us in this regard are the efficacy of vaccine, and its price compatibility. We are in contact with multiple sources in this regard. We have also received a proposal from Russia, which has been forwarded to the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, for examination.
Further he said about the findings of an inquiry by the Australian Defense Forces, we have seen the press reports, which are deeply concerning. We understand that both countries, i.e. Australia and Afghanistan are in touch on this matter.
China and Pakistan’s cooperation is an anchor for peace and stability in the region. Chinese Defence Minister’s recent visit to Pakistan was a part of regular high level exchanges between the two countries, aimed at deepening and expanding Pakistan-China ties.
The MOU signed between Pakistan and China during the visit will further strengthen cooperation between the two countries, particularly in the areas of defense and security. The cooperation between Pakistan and China is aimed at promoting regional peace and stability.
India, under its current leadership with hegemonic designs, “Akhand Bharat” is indeed a threat to regional peace and security. The regional countries cannot afford to be oblivious of the Indian hegemonic designs.
Pakistan rejects the U.S. State Department’s arbitrary and selective assessment under a U.S. domestic legislation on religious freedom. We have raised serious questions regarding the objectivity of this assessment.
With regards to the recommendations of USCIRF, it is regrettable that the findings and recommendations of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom as well as the U.S. Congressional hearings on the maltreatment of minorities in India and the violation of religious freedom all over the country including in the Muslim-majority Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) were ignored by the U.S. State Department.
Pakistan’s views in this regard have been conveyed to the US side.
Pakistan has been consistently sensitizing the international community regarding the possibility of India resorting to a false flag operation to divert attention from its internal and external failures. We take this opportunity to forewarn the world yet again.
Spokesperson said that India has been using every possible tool of oppression and violating every single human right of the Kashmiri people to break their will. However, no amount of Indian brutalization has been able to subjugate the Kashmiris. Economic strangulation of the Kashmiris is just another manifestation of India’s illegal and inhuman policies in IIOJK.
India must realize that it cannot escape international censure for its egregious behavior involving gross and systemic violations of human rights of the Kashmiri people and the denial of their inalienable right to self-determination.